Combigas expands its operations to China

Great interest in Danish biogas technology - Combigas expands its operations to China

Danish Combigas takes a Chinese eco-business on board, and thus obtains unique access to the Chinese alternative energy market. The Chinese-owned company Greatop will thus become a 50% partner in the Danish biogas company.
Greatop, which is owned by the Chinese Yinhai Investment Holding Co. Ltd, is based in Nyborg. From here, contact is brokered between Chinese and Danish companies with effective technologies relating to alternative energy and the environment.

Greatop has chosen Combigas to be its partner in developing the Chinese biogas sector, and executive director Yongming Wang states:

Greatop has chosen to enter a partnership with Combigas for three reasons:

1. We have the same ambitious development ideas pertaining to waste in the global energy market.
2. Combigas’ compact design, unique technology and years of experience in biogas production represent
valuable knowledge, which we have sought for a long time.
3. China will, with support from the state, develop into one of the world’s largest biogas markets in the near future, which means that this is the right time to enter the market.

The background of this cooperation is that Yongming Wang, in collaboration with IFU and Gemidan Ecogi, have invested in a joint venture in China, which is to implement Gemidan Ecogi’s technology on the Chinese market. The Ecogi technology converts household waste and other organic waste into a pure biopulp, which is free of inorganic elements. Combigas’ technology converts this pulp into useful manure and renewable energy, and in collaboration the three parties now intend to contribute to effectively solving some of the larger challenges in China concerning waste management and decentralised energy

See the full press release here